Mostra de Cinema Sul Asiático -Cinemela in Portugal dedicated to Tareque Masud

News Hour:

For the first time in Portugal, South Asian movie festival “Mostra de Cinema Sul Asiático -Cinemela” has been started. The festival has been dedicated to Bangladeshi cinema maker and veteran producer late Tareque Masud. The three-day fair was held in Lisbon, capital city from June 30 to July 2.

Local time Friday, the first day of the fair Observed in Lisbon’s São Jorge, organized by the International Independent Film Production Company “Vile DU Cinema” in Portugal.

It has six Bangladeshi films, One India-Pakistan joint ventures feature film, one film from Spain, one from Nepal, two from Nepal, one from Bhutan. Also, five Bangladeshi short films are going to be exhibited.

For the first film in Portugal, Bangladeshi film is shown. At 4:30 pm, Amitabh Reza Chowdhury’s ‘Aynabaji’ was shown and at 9:30 pm Abu Shahed Emon’s ‘Jalaler Golpo’ was shown.

Bangladesh Embassy Ambassador Ruhul Alam Siddiqui was present on the first day’s exhibition. He enjoys the movie ‘Jalaler Goplo’.

This year festival has been dedicated to Bangladesh. In phases, thay will also focus on the films of other Asian countries, according to “Mostra de Cinema Sul Asiático -Cinemela” production director Anapaula Marabhau.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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