In the last couple of years, viewers turned away from the cinema halls in Bangladesh. Under the leadership of renowned actor Shakib Khan the industry became alive again. That Shakib Khan has been expelled twice in the past few months. It’s mysterious, Said Bangladesh information minister Hasanul Haque Inu.
On Saturday night, In a interview with a private TV channel Information Minister talked about the ongoing movement of the FDC, Harassment of the president of Bangladesh Film Exhibition Committee and the sensor board member Iftekhar Uddin Nowshad, Shakib Khan, Jazz Multimedia and many issues related to the film industry.
A new organisation formed by a group of 16 organisations of film artists, directors, producers and craftsmen filed a protest against the irregularities of the joint venture productions film. They complained about not complying with the rules of joint production against both ‘Nawab’ and ‘Boss-2’ movies. In this issue, the film industry family divided into two groups. Both sides are complaining against each other.
Hasanul Haque Inu said, “Attacking the sensor board meeting in the joint productions film issue is Unauthorised work. sensor board has no authority in this fact. It is a shameful case that the honourable member of sensor board and president of Bangladesh Film Exhibition Committee Iftekhar Uddin Nowshad has been attacked by the protesters. Hasanul Haq Inu said, ‘I am not against them or against them.