Patralekha is all geared up to work again with filmmaker Hansal Mehta for a web series that features Rajkummar Rao as Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. She will be portraying the role of an elitist Bengali. The actress says, “I am thrilled to be part of the project. Recently, I happened to discuss Bose with a friend, who wrote a book on him, and now I am doing a role in a show based on him,” further adding that, “I’m happier to do the show, as I am playing a Bengali”. The trio will work together for the first time after Citylights, reports, Bollyspice.
The actor is not only excited about working with Mehta again, but also Rajkummar. “Getting to work with Raj as a co-star is exciting. He brings in so much more to a scene, that it develops it into something else. I am looking forward to this collaboration.”
When asked further how she got the role and what was her experience to work with the filmmaker, she said, “Hansal sir has never cast me without following a procedure. During Citylights, I gave an audition and this time, I did a look test. It is always a delight to work with him.” She mentions that director Hansal Mehta gives actors a lot of liberty. “He allows actors to use their imagination and take a scene forward. I miss this [freedom] in my space of work.”
Although Patralekhaa feels the “web is the future”, there are many “challenges that we need to overcome to reach the optimum level”. “We will have to wait and see how long it takes to develop and reach the ultimate level. We can’t be technologically challenged,” she proclaims.