People all round the world can and should do more than simply wait for April 24
British actress Emma Watson is remebering Rana Plaza tragedy on her twitter account. Emma who appeared in all eight Harry Potter films from 2001 to 2011, writes, I’m remembering #RanaPlaza today, four years on… Please consider #whomademyclothes
I’m remembering #RanaPlaza today, four years on… Please consider #whomademyclothes — Emma Watson (@EmmaWatson) April 24, 2017
I’m remembering #RanaPlaza today, four years on… Please consider #whomademyclothes
— Emma Watson (@EmmaWatson) April 24, 2017
Families of the 1,135 people killed in the Rana Plaza tragedy on April 24, 2013, the thousands injured and their dependants, do not get to wait for the anniversary to be reminded of the day their lives were changed forever.