“Disastrous” war on Drugs in US
News Hour:
In human rights news around the world today: The “Disastrous” War On Drugs In The US; Yemen Conflict Rages On; Why State Of Emergency May Stoke Ethiopia Unrest.
Plus: UN warning on Philippines’ drugs crackdown; imprisoned China scholar wins Martin Ennals award; concern over discriminatory anti-migrant campaign in French town; why political violence in DR Congo could worsen further; the world’s water ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’; Yemen – the “forgotten” war of the Middle East; & social media giants in snooping row…
Every 25 seconds someone in the United States is “funneled into the criminal justice system”, accused of nothing more than possessing drugs for personal use, Human Rights Watch and ACLU said in a new joint report today. The wide-scale arrests, which affect black people disproportionately more than white people, is “destroying countless lives” while doing nothing to help people recover from drug dependence, the groups have warned.
US arrests more people for possessing small amounts of marijuana than for violent crimes https://t.co/TVshHk6KrN pic.twitter.com/iWl9aRco2g
— Andrew Stroehlein (@astroehlein) October 12, 2016
The US should stop locking up people for drug posession for personal use. Here’s why: https://t.co/JHtph5eGEU pic.twitter.com/W6IaW7KfeH
— Amy Braunschweiger (@amybrauns) October 12, 2016