Asian Development Bank helps SPDB develop financing capacity on building energy efficiency

News Hour:

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) held a training and capacity building workshop today in Shanghai for Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (SPDB) officials in facilitating their capacity to efficiently address the increasing demand for energy saving buildings in the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

The workshop, organized by ADB, was attended by more than 50 representatives from SPDB, including those from the bank’s headquarters and from 38 branches all over PRC. The training, called the “Building Energy Efficiency Financing Workshop,” marks the completion of ADB’s technical assistance to facilitate finance for energy efficiency projects at SPDB.

“The workshop is a great opportunity for SPDB officials, and the banking community in general, to discuss and learn from each other in making sure that their financial products and services are responsive and innovative when it comes to supporting energy efficiency projects,” said Hayato Hoshi, Senior Investment Specialist from ADB’s Private Sector Operations Department.

SPDB is a leading “green bank” in PRC. The workshop will wrap up efforts to equip SPDB to improve the structuring, credit evaluation, and monitoring of efficiency loans on the basis of the economic merits and cash flows of energy savings. ADB also presented the “Guidebook for Financing Building Energy Efficiency.” The guidebook combines basic policy and technical know-how with a comprehensive framework for business development, product design, and credit appraisal based on real project finance studies.

The event backs up ADB’s continuous commitment to address the environmental challenges PRC faces through the mobilization and training of domestic commercial banks to tap into the building energy efficiency market. An expert forum and awarding of certification were also held. Topics being discussed in the workshop included sector analysis, market outlook, and international best practice in structuring energy efficiency loans, energy efficiency cash flow assessment, and marketing of building energy efficiency financial services.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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